During a recent road trip down the west coast, I encountered a lot of spaces that I hope will help inspire my art.
One of the captivating places was this little lookout point, a short hike away from U.S. Route 101.
The woods there bent heavy with wet moss. And the air smelled of decomposing leaves, the dead, and fresh rain.
It was cold.
And I was alone.
Yet, I didn’t feel alone…
The further I moved away
Just checking in to see how you’re doing fam. Haven’t seen you at any of the cookouts. We all brought great food.
I can hear your breathing in there.
Why didn’t you answer the door?
I was being nice!
After the introduction of a benthic human subspecies, The Hubenthos, Ommatokoita Elongata was able to find a new host.
The Hubenthos don't seem to mind. Somehow they’ve learned to coincide with their parasitic copepods in a sort of braggadocios way.
They poke and lick at the parasites in their friends' eyes, clumsily attempting to assess the size and health of the ravenous passengers.
They seem to de
For three days, I sat bound to salt-scorched wood. I had never been to sea, yet here I was, a prisoner aboard a vagabond sloop-of-war. I tried to call for help the first day I found myself here, but that only served to encourage violence out of a sallow man who watched over me.
Read more in “The Sloop” found in my stories section.
If you watch the Sunsetᵀᴹ often enough, you might notice figures watching you from the shadows. But, of course, they won't be happy if they discover you've spotted them.
Practice keeping your face as emotionally void as possible.
PSA: close your windows at night. They can open them; however, the sound of the latch might wake you. That will give you a few precious moments to tell your loved ones you'
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